
I hope there's still a someone who read this blog.. 
I closed my other blog, coz I HATE it!! 
and i dont know why, this blog makes me feel belonged..!! 

and these few days I'm so depressed and pressured.. 
I saw your blog just now, 
there was a post dedicated to me during my bday 
I read it.. 
and my tears just came out.. 
You told me this before 'You let me know what FRIENDSHIP mean:)' 
and the song at your blog, 
made me even sadder.. 
my heart hurts !!
I miss you ! 
and now I wish you're right here, right now... 
coz my heart hurts so much, and i just need someone right beside me.. 
no talk , just silence and your accompany
i'll feel secure with you beside me... =(

1 comment:

Kathryn Yuu said...

Babe , I'm still here =D <3